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Normandale Logo

Campus Store

Monday - Friday: 8 am - 4 pm

Phone: (952) 358 - 9250

Textbook Depot

Monday - Friday: 8 am - 4:30 pm 

Phone: (952) 358 - 9251

Email: [email protected]

Printed Projects

Printed Project Information

  • Printed Projects (PP) can be made available via
    • D2L and/or the Textbook Depot
  • PP adoptions will no longer be accepted through Faculty Adoptions
    1. If you are submitting an additional adoption via faulty adoptions:
      •  Indicate your PP adoption in the "Message to Book Store" section
  • PP will be added as a course material after:
  • ONLY one PP allowed per course
  • Please do not send your PP work order form to duplicating

PP Adoption Submission Directions:

  1. Fill out Printed Project Work Order Form
  2. Send an email to [email protected]
    1. Subject Line: Please include course information: subject, course number and section(s)
    2. Attach: PP Work Order Form
    3. Attach: Printed Project
    1. If the original copy is in paper form, it can be dropped off at duplicating. Please indicate this in the email that you send to: [email protected]
    2. If the file is too large to attach, please split the file into two different files and name accordingly

Textbook Depot PP Adoption Process

  1. When we receive the PP adoption we will:
    • Create the PP under your course
    • Assign an ISBN
    • Calculate pricing 
  2. Confirmation email will be sent
  3. We will submit the order to Duplicating

PP Work Form


Printed Projects

Printed Project Information

  • Printed Projects (PP) can be made available via
    • D2L and/or the Textbook Depot
  • PP adoptions will no longer be accepted through Faculty Adoptions
    1. If you are submitting an additional adoption via faulty adoptions:
      •  Indicate your PP adoption in the "Message to Book Store" section
  • PP will be added as a course material after:
  • ONLY one PP allowed per course
  • Please do not send your PP work order form to duplicating

PP Adoption Submission Directions:

  1. Fill out Printed Project Work Order Form
  2. Send an email to [email protected]
    1. Subject Line: Please include course information: subject, course number and section(s)
    2. Attach: PP Work Order Form
    3. Attach: Printed Project
    1. If the original copy is in paper form, it can be dropped off at duplicating. Please indicate this in the email that you send to: [email protected]
    2. If the file is too large to attach, please split the file into two different files and name accordingly

Textbook Depot PP Adoption Process

  1. When we receive the PP adoption we will:
    • Create the PP under your course
    • Assign an ISBN
    • Calculate pricing 
  2. Confirmation email will be sent
  3. We will submit the order to Duplicating

PP Work Form


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