Inclusive Access

Inclusive Access Program

The Inclusive Access (IA) program, formally known as Digital Access, is a course material model in collaboration with top publishers that converts books into inclusive content and is provided through D2L.

IA is NOT a physical access code sold through the Textbook Depot


The student fee is included in the total tuition and fees associated with each course. The note section of the registration page displays the amount that will be charged for Inclusive Access. After the Add/Drop date, all enrolled students, who have not opted out of the program or dropped the course, will be charged for Inclusive Access.

IA Adoption Submission Information

  1.  Adoptions must be submitted using the assigned ISBN from the publisher
    • Inclusive Access have specific ISBNs
    • Numbers differ depending on the format of the course material
    • Please do not enter an ISBN for a physical book, eBook, etc.
  2. Enter a note indicating:
    • Inclusive Access adoption 
    • List ebook or ebook + courseware 
  3. Recommended code Selections:
    • IA for Inclusive Access
    • IO for Inclusive Access Loose Leaf Optional Text


VitalSource is our platform used behind the scenes to provide the course materials (courseware) through D2L. There are different types of courseware, please click the link to learn more: 

D2L Requirements 

  • Add the VitalSource LTI to your D2L
  • Faculty should NOT hide the VitalSource link
    • Students will not be able to opt-out
  • If the students opt-out
    • They will not have access to the course material on D2L
  • If your coursework is codeless
    • Your publisher rep will work with you to get what you need to set it up
    • You will still need to add the VitalSource LTI into your courseshell

Inclusive Access

Inclusive Access Program

The Inclusive Access (IA) program, formally known as Digital Access, is a course material model in collaboration with top publishers that converts books into inclusive content and is provided through D2L.

IA is NOT a physical access code sold through the Textbook Depot



The student fee is included in the total tuition and fees associated with each course. The note section of the registration page displays the amount that will be charged for Inclusive Access. After the Add/Drop date, all enrolled students, who have not opted out of the program or dropped the course, will be charged for Inclusive Access.

IA Adoption Submission Information

  1.  Adoptions must be submitted using the assigned ISBN from the publisher
    • Inclusive Access have specific ISBNs
    • Numbers differ depending on the format of the course material
    • Please do not enter an ISBN for a physical book, eBook, etc.
  2. Enter a note indicating:
    • Inclusive Access adoption 
    • List ebook or ebook + courseware 
  3. Recommended code Selections:
    • IA for Inclusive Access
    • IO for Inclusive Access Loose Leaf Optional Text