Textbook Information

Old Editions vs. New Editions

  • Why are old editions NOT cheaper than new editions?
    • Most old editions have no buyback value
    • They are rarely available for each student
    • Prices for old editions may vary on Amazon according to demand
    • There is no guarantee that we will receive the quantity ordered from Amazon
  • What happens to old editions that are no longer adopted?
    • Unsold copies are unreturnable
    • They become deadstock, which have to be:
      • Discarded
      • OR sold off for pennies on the dollar
  • Old editions are difficult to attain 
  • New edition titles can easily be sold by students after use 

Out of Print Titles

  • What are Out of Print Titles?
    • Titles that can no longer be printed by a publisher/distributor
    • Titles that have not gone to a new edition
  • Is it possible to obtain an out-of-print title?
    • We are currently working with a company that prints "out of print titles"
    • Copyrights research takes about two weeks
      • If the copyright is obtainable, the title can be printed
    • Titles are printed & shipped within 1-2 weeks
    • The cost for these titles tend to be less than the original price
  • If you are interested in inquiring about a title, please email us at [email protected]  

Desk Copies

  • Need to be requested by faculty members through the publisher or publisher representative

ISBN Facts

*Please use 13 digit ISBN to submit adoptions if available

10-Digit ISBN vs. 13-Digit ISBN

10-Digit ISBN


- 10-digits do not start with 978

- 13-digit ISBNs start with 978

- Last digit is always different

- 9 middle numbers are always the same

13-Digit ISBN


New ISBNs vs. Used ISBNs



- New ISBNs start with 978

- Used ISBNs start with 291

- Last digit is always different

- 9 middle numbers are always the same



ISBN Change with the Format

Experience Psychology 3rd Edition

Paperback ISBN


ISBN numbers differ depending on the format. Paperback, loose-leaf, access code, or bundled with another component will have different ISBNs





Inclusive Access


Faculty ISBN vs. Student ISBN

Faculty ISBN

- Faculty ISBNs are different from student ISBNs

- Student ISBNs should be located inside the cover of instructors copy

Student ISBN





Textbook Information

Old Editions vs. New Editions

  • Why are old editions NOT cheaper than new editions?
    • Most old editions have no buyback value
    • They are rarely available for each student
    • Prices for old editions may vary on Amazon according to demand
    • There is no guarantee that we will receive the quantity ordered from Amazon
  • What happens to old editions that are no longer adopted?
    • Unsold copies are unreturnable
    • They become deadstock, which have to be:
      • Discarded
      • OR sold off for pennies on the dollar
  • Old editions are difficult to attain 
  • New edition titles can easily be sold by students after use 

Out of Print Titles

  • What are Out of Print Titles?
    • Titles that can no longer be printed by a publisher/distributor
    • Titles that have not gone to a new edition
  • Is it possible to obtain an out-of-print title?
    • We are currently working with a company that prints "out of print titles"
    • Copyrights research takes about two weeks
      • If the copyright is obtainable, the title can be printed
    • Titles are printed & shipped within 1-2 weeks
    • The cost for these titles tend to be less than the original price
  • If you are interested in inquiring about a title, please email us at [email protected]  

Desk Copies

  • Need to be requested by faculty members through the publisher or publisher representative

ISBN Facts

*Please use 13 digit ISBN to submit adoptions if available

10-Digit ISBN vs. 13-Digit ISBN

10-Digit ISBN


- 10-digits do not start with 978

- 13-digit ISBNs start with 978

- Last digit is always different

- 9 middle numbers are always the same

13-Digit ISBN


New ISBNs vs. Used ISBNs



- New ISBNs start with 978

- Used ISBNs start with 291

- Last digit is always different

- 9 middle numbers are always the same



ISBN Change with the Format

Experience Psychology 3rd Edition

Paperback ISBN


ISBN numbers differ depending on the format. Paperback, loose-leaf, access code, or bundled with another component will have different ISBNs





Inclusive Access


Faculty ISBN vs. Student ISBN

Faculty ISBN

- Faculty ISBNs are different from student ISBNs

- Student ISBNs should be located inside the cover of instructors copy

Student ISBN